Welcome to FuchsFriends UK

We hope you enjoy your visit here. Please join the group - membership is free to all who have the condition - or login if you are already a member.

Welcome to the website of Fuchsfriends UK a support group for those with the condition known as Fuchs Corneal Dystrophy. Fuchs Dystrophy affects the cornea. The cells in the cornea that pump out impurities and fluid cease to function. Normally it is a slowly progressing disease.

The condition can be inherited and generally begins after 40 years of age. It cannot be cured. However, certain medications can control the blurred vision that results from the corneal swelling. If or when the vision deteriorates to the point that it impairing your ability to function normally, a corneal graft is required.

If you are newly diagnosed then please read our Newly Diagnosed Page.

Our message forums, which are restricted to members of Fuchsfriends UK, will enable you to communicate with others at various stages of the disease, including those who are undergoing treatment, waiting for a corneal transplant or recovering after one.


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